Bailey Thompson


My name is Bailey. I am a 4th generation dairy farmer, living and farming on the Westcoast and Canterbury. I have a strong passion for the outdoors and conservation. Dairy farming has often been labeled a dirty practice. Yes this has been true in the past and there are limited cases currently, but sustainable clean dairy farming is possible and is being carried out better each year. As a dairy farmer I strive to convey this in my farming practice. Eco winter grazing also is also a core interest in my involvement with FFNZ and I would like to help pave a way for this being carried out across all NZ farms.

One policy change Iā€™d like to see: I would like to see better education of the rural sector in school curriculums, this is paramount to educating our next generation to keep bettering our farming environments.

If I could choose one superpower: If I had one super power I would make all water line problems fix them selves.