Georgie Burdon

Hi there!

My name is Georgie Burdon, and I’m proud to be 4th generation on Glen Dene Station, Lake Hāwea. My roots in the beautiful high-country are not just about heritage; they are a testament to my commitment to the land and the communities that thrive on it. As I navigate the intricate fields of sustainability and agriculture, my goal is to question, learn, and innovate. Studying at the University of Otago, I am deeply engaged in a proactive degree program in Agricultural Innovation paired with Environmental Management. This isn't just an academic pursuit for me; it's a personal journey. Here, I am able to meld my on-the-ground experience with advanced knowledge, continuously evolving and adapting to meet the challenges of our times. As a custodian of my family's property, I understand that protecting the agriculture industry is vital not just for my livelihood but for all rural families and communities across New Zealand. My education and experiences are stepping stones towards safeguarding our collective future, ensuring that our agricultural practices are sustainable, effective, and forward-thinking.

One policy change I’d like to see: I envision a New Zealand where sustainable farming is not just a practice but a shared value. To this end, I advocate for transformative educational policies that bring the narrative of our primary industries into every classroom, connecting the youth with the roots of our food production and the importance of environmental stewardship.

If I could choose one superpower: to strengthen the bond between New Zealand's rural and urban communities. A superpower that fosters understanding, collaboration, and unity, ensuring that every New Zealander, irrespective of their background, becomes an integral part of our sustainable agricultural journey.